Monday, 31. March 2014 20:00 o'clock


Match Date: Monday, 31. March 2014
Game time: 20:00 o'clock
Venue: East Side Bowling


Pinguine Statistics Dynamisches Duo
53,64% Chances 46,36%
11 Current rank 9
22 Games 40
7/2/13 W/D/L (Total) 9/0/31
4/0/8 W/D/L (Home) 5/0/15
3/2/5 W/D/L (Away) 4/0/16
23 Points 27
445 : 558 Goals 843 : 1050
-113 Difference -207
Pinguine - kein Gegner 36:0 Highest home victory Dynamisches Duo - Young Bowlers 36:0
Pinguine - IP-Devils 0:36 Highest home defeat Dynamisches Duo - Bowletten 13:35
Bowletten - Pinguine 17:31 Highest away win kein Gegner - Dynamisches Duo 0:36
Bowl4Two - Pinguine 36:0 Highest loss away Pinjäger - Dynamisches Duo 35:13

Pinguine - Dynamisches Duo

Data from Pinguine

League Games Won Draw Lost Score for Score against
Montagsliga 14 6 0 8 337 343
League Home wins Home draw Home defeats Away wins Away draws Away defeats
Montagsliga 3 4 0 3 4 0

Overview of the games by result and number

Wenn sie auf einen Reiter klicken, erhalten sie die dateillierten Übersichten.
Goals Frequency
13-36 0
16-32 0
17-31 1
18-30 1
19-32 1
20-28 0
20-29 1
21-27 1
21-29 1
22-26 0
23-25 1
23-26 1
25-23 0
26-22 2
26-23 0
27-21 1
28-20 1
29-20 0
29-21 0
30-18 0
31-17 0
32-16 1
32-19 0
36-13 1
Goals Frequency
18-30 1
20-29 1
21-27 0
21-29 1
22-26 0
23-25 1
26-23 0
27-21 0
28-20 1
31-17 0
32-16 1
32-19 0
36-13 1
Goals Frequency
18-30 0
20-29 0
21-27 1
21-29 0
22-26 2
23-25 0
26-23 1
27-21 1
28-20 0
31-17 1
32-16 0
32-19 1
36-13 0


Montagsliga 2014
1 Monday, 13. January 2014 20:00 Dynamisches Duo Dynamisches Duo - Pinguine Pinguine 22 - 26
12 Monday, 31. March 2014 20:00 Pinguine Pinguine - Dynamisches Duo Dynamisches Duo 32 - 16
Montagsliga 2013
23 Monday, 01. July 2013 20:00 Dynamisches Duo Dynamisches Duo - Pinguine Pinguine 31 - 17
1 Monday, 14. January 2013 20:00 Dynamisches Duo Dynamisches Duo - Pinguine Pinguine 27 - 21
34 Monday, 16. September 2013 20:00 Pinguine Pinguine - Dynamisches Duo Dynamisches Duo 28 - 20
12 Monday, 08. April 2013 20:00 Pinguine Pinguine - Dynamisches Duo Dynamisches Duo 18 - 30
Montagsliga 2012
23 Monday, 02. July 2012 20:00 Dynamisches Duo Dynamisches Duo - Pinguine Pinguine 22 - 26
10 Monday, 12. March 2012 20:00 Dynamisches Duo Dynamisches Duo - Pinguine Pinguine 32 - 19
32 Monday, 03. September 2012 20:00 Pinguine Pinguine - Dynamisches Duo Dynamisches Duo 23 - 25
21 Monday, 18. June 2012 20:00 Pinguine Pinguine - Dynamisches Duo Dynamisches Duo 20 - 29
Montagsliga 2011
36 Monday, 22. August 2011 20:00 Dynamisches Duo Dynamisches Duo - Pinguine Pinguine 26 - 23
13 Monday, 28. February 2011 20:00 Dynamisches Duo Dynamisches Duo - Pinguine Pinguine 21 - 27
25 Monday, 30. May 2011 20:00 Pinguine Pinguine - Dynamisches Duo Dynamisches Duo 21 - 29
2 Monday, 01. November 2010 20:00 Pinguine Pinguine - Dynamisches Duo Dynamisches Duo 36 - 13

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